Our new Windows platform lacks support for Jmail, a software used to send emails from classic ASP, but that is neither developed nor available anymore.
Alternative service to Jmail
Instead, we recommend you to send emails with ASP.NET using this guide.
If you would rather use classic ASP, you can send emails via CDOSYS. See an example on how emails are sent via Loopia’s email servers below.
<% Set msg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") msg.Subject = "This is the subject" msg.From = "from@example.com" msg.To = "to@example.se" msg.TextBody = "This is the message." Const CDOSchema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" With msg.Configuration.Fields .Item(CDOSchema & "sendusing") = 2 .Item(CDOSchema & "smtpserver") = "mailcluster.loopia.se" .Item(CDOSchema & "smtpserverport") = 587 .Item(CDOSchema & "smtpauthenticate") = 1 .Item(CDOSchema & "sendusername") = "from@example.com" .Item(CDOSchema & "sendpassword") = "Mail account password" .Update End With msg.Send set msg = nothing %>