Web application firewall (WAF)

A web application firewall, also known as a WAF, is a security solution designed to protect web applications such as WordPress and Joomla. It monitors and filters HTTP traffic between the website and the internet. By analyzing the traffic, a WAF can identify and block attacks that exploit vulnerabilities, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and DDoS attacks. A WAF helps safeguard your web application and enhances the security of your users’ data and privacy.

Here at Loopia, all your pages on UNIX/Autobahn/Boost are protected by our web application firewall.
Unauthorized traffic is prevented from reaching your site.

You can activate or deactivate your WAF in your Loopia customer zone.
Click on the domain you want to manage and check or uncheck the box for the web application firewall.

Why disable WAF?

Every day, our firewall stops hundreds of thousands of requests to our servers, and the protection is continually updated for new threats.
Sometimes, however, legitimate traffic may be blocked because it resembles an attack.
For example, a plugin might try to make external requests, or a file upload might time out.
Try disabling your WAF temporarily to see if the traffic goes through.
Then, re-enable your WAF.
Also, contact support@loopia.se with information about the incorrect blocking.

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