ASP.NET rewrite

Rewrite addresses with (mod_rewrite) with ASP.NET.

Using so-called “Pretty URLs” have become increasingly common to increase the usability of applications. It may also have some benefits to the websites chances of a good placement in search engines.

On our UNIX servers, it is very easy via mod_rewrite to rewrite URLs but those who prefer Windows, and ASP.NET has not the same opportunity to use mod_rewrite. However, there is a nice solution that is simple and does not require any additional installation on the server: UrlRewriter.NET.

How to use UrlRewriter.NET?

1. [Download] and unpack

2. Add a reference to Intelligencia.UrlRewriter.dll that you also put in your project’s “bin” directory.

3. Open your web.config file

4. Add the following

RewriterConfigurationSectionHandler, Intelligencia.UrlRewriter" />
name="UrlRewriter" />

You are now ready to rewrite URLs! Below are some examples.

Our application is a web shop that sells various types of media. In the current situation, we have a page that lists all products in a category as follows: and this we want to shorten to

Open your web.config file where you added UrlRewriter.NET and add the following rule:

<rewrite url="~/dvd.aspx" to="~/products.aspx?category=dvd" />

This works great if you have a small amount of categories. But if you have many categories it soon becomes unwieldy to add each new category manually. With the help of a regular expression, we can generalize the rule in the example above.

<rewrite url="~/shop/(.+).aspx" to="~/products.aspx?category=$1" />

This example rewrites all variants of to

Perfect, then we can show the different categories. It would be useful to be able to view a summary of every product. This can be done by extending the rule above by adding one more argument.

<rewrite url="~/shop/(.+)/(.+).aspx" to="~/products.aspx?category=$1&product=$2" />

In this way, your customers can write for example which rewrites to

Of course it is possible to extend the example on indefinitely if we categorize their products even deeper.

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