If you have any questions about an invoice you received from us or believe that it is incorrect in any... [...]
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How do I pay my invoice? You can pay your invoice by bank transfer or using a credit card on... [...]
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With LoopiaPREPAID you can buy credits (balance) as a customer and thus get a pot that you can use for... [...]
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To be able to pay your invoice with a debit or credit card, you need your invoice number and a... [...]
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A hosting account can contain as many domains as you wish and they can all share the quota and services... [...]
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You as a visitor can choose by yourself if prices at our website should be displayed including or excluding VAT.... [...]
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Please send an email to ekonomi@loopia.se and include as much information about your order as possible so we can help you. [...]
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On December 27, 2023, our regular prices for new orders and renewals of our DNS, hosting accounts and some of... [...]
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Domain names are renewed annually and when you get your invoice depends on when your domain names expire date is.... [...]
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