When will i get my invoice?

Domain names are renewed annually and when you get your invoice depends on when your domain names expire date is.

  • Domain names that expire between 20XX-10-20 and 20XX-11-19 are invoiced 20XX-09-01
  • Domain names that expire between 20XX-11-20 and 20XX-12-19 are invoiced 20XX-10-01

You will get a invoice for all domain names on the start of the month. You can always see you domain names dates and also invoices.

Unknown means that the domain either have another provider or that it is not registered with us. You can always use Whois to see current Registrar. If the domain show wrong information and we are the registrar, contact our support and it will be fixed.

If the domain name is marked with Red it means the domain name have expired. You can follow this guide to reactivate the domain name.

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