What info appears in whois?

What info that appears in WHOIS depends entirely on the top-level domain (TLD) you register and if you do this as a private person or company.

The following things apply ( updated 2021-02-16 )

SECompany name, Country, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, PhoneNothing
NUCompany name, Country, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, PhoneNothing
NOCompany name, Country, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, Phone, Mail addressMail address
 EUCompany name, Country, City, Mail address Mail address
AICompany name, CountryCountry
APPCompany name, CountryCountry
ATCompany name, Country, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, Phone, Mail adressNothing
BECompany name, Country, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, PhoneNothing
BIZCompany name, CountryCountry
BLOGCompany name, CountryCountry
CLOUDCompany name, CountryCountry
CLUBCompany name, CountryCountry
DEVCompany name, CountryCountry
DKCompany name, Country, Contact name, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, Phone, Mail addressCountry, Contact name, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, Phone, Mail address
EMAILCompany name, CountryCountry
FICompany name, Country, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, Phone, Mail address, Corp Id numberNothing
GLOBALCompany name, CountryCountry
GRAPHICSCompany name, CountryCountry
GRATISCompany name, CountryCountry
GURUCompany name, CountryCountry
INFOCompany name, CountryCountry
IOCompany name, CountryCountry
LIFECompany name, CountryCountry
LINKCompany name, CountryCountry
MECompany name, CountryCountry
MOBICompany name, CountryCountry
ONLINECompany name, CountryCountry
ORGCompany name, CountryCountry
PLCompany name, Country, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, PhoneNothing
RS Company name, Country, Street address, Postal code, Postal City, Corp Id number Nothing
SITECompany name, CountryCountry
STORECompany name, CountryCountry
TECHCompany name, CountryCountry
TOPCompany name, CountryCountry
WEBSITECompany name, CountryCountry
XYZCompany name, CountryCountry

The information displayed in WHOIS is the information that you specified when you registered your domain. As an active customer with an account and you order from within you account, the details under “Account settings”->”Account holder” is used.

* Since the GDPR was introduced, the majority of the Registrars  (eg .com, net, org, info) TLDs have chosen to hide the information in whois but not all and everything. The above fact sheet shows what is shown depending on what information you give us.

If you would like to change this information, you have to update your address information in your account with us “Account settings”->”Account holder”. Then send a email to registry@loopia.se with your customer number and domain name. In the mail, ask us to update the information registered in your domain name.

Note that if you as a private person and customer to us have filled in something in the field Company name in your customer zone under “Account settings” -> “Account holder” such as Private company name, information is displayed as a company for most of the domain names you order (not .SE or. NOW )

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