Annual information about your contact details

Once a year, a message is sent out for each domain name you have registered with us with information on which contact details are registered for the domain name. This applies to gTLD and ngTLD domain names.

If you need to change the information registered on the domain name, you first need to update your address information in your account with us.
You can do this under “Account settings” -> “Account holder”. Then send us an email at with the customer number for the account the domain belongs to.
Then write that you want to update the WHOIS/registered information and which domain name(s) in the account you want to update.

Note that if you as a private person and customer of ours have something filled in the field Company name in your customer zone under “Account settings”->”Account holder” as an individual company name, information will be displayed as a company for most of the domain names you order (not .SE or .NU.)
The message that is sent out comes from the E-mail address
and has the subject line: Please review your contact information for <DOMAIN>

An example of such a message can be found below.

If you want to know what information is shown publicly in Whois, you can read about this in this article

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