Error codes

Error CodeError Code Meaning
404Unknown error.
401Login credentials not valid.
429Rate limit exceeded.
620Method doesn’t exist.
623Calling parameters do not match signature.
631Failed to parse request. Request is invalid.
632Invalid request, no method passed; request must contain a ‘methodName’.
633Param must contain a value.
634Invalid method name.
620Method does not exist.
637A parameter is not valid.
639Method not allowed for this user.
40001The domain is not available.
40004The domain is not valid.
40011The domain configuration is not valid.
40014The account type is not valid.
40015Domain configuration is not available for this account type.
40401Customer not connected to the reseller.
50001Account parameters are not valid.
60001Insufficient funds.

Fault response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
                        <string>The domain is not available.</string>  
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